Exams 2023

It's a wrap! Everybody got home safe. Out of the 48 Exams, 31 are passed, well done! We congratulate 1 fully EO-MTBing certified Instructor - Guide and 7 Aspirant Instructor - Guides. And ofcourse we finished with the traditional Epic Ride, this time we were invited to ride the #blackholetrail. Talking about Epic! Thanks @mountainbikenomad for the very warm and welcome stay.
#mountainbikegidsopleiding #ridewithguides #swisseuropeanbikeguidescyclingguides #cyclingaustria #moniteurcyclistefrancais #associationofbritishmountainbikeguides #NMIG #mountainbikenomad #beatoolrebel #bikevillagemtb #Flat Sucks @powder.and.dirt @ridecampsl2a @pique.adventures @blisykkelguide


Nice! We were and are happy to help en develop the profession in Georgia! Thanks for the warm hospitality and delicous ginkali! It was a pleasure and see you soon again!

Exams 2022

Just over a month the Central European Exam will take place at the Swiss Olympic Training Centre in Magglingen, Switzerland! The annual event will take place from Wednesday the 19th of October (Briefing) until Saturday the 22nd.

MTB Summits

Our annual MTB Summits are like a travelling circus across Europe. Not only highlighting the usual suspects but also the less known but equally surprising destinations. Next stop (our 7th!): Sweradow-Zdroj, Poland, hosted by our Polish member POMBA. Go to mtbsummit.eu for more info and registration.

4 day assessment from EOMTBing

Always striving to be better, we recently attempted the Eo-MTB ing assessment in Slovenia.This is an assessment created by a new governing body that coordinates a European standard across ten national mountain bike associations, recommended for guides who are looking to push themselves to the top level. Of the nine candidates on the course, only one passed this mega tough 4-day exam! We’ve blogged about our learning experiences here.