Exams 2024 – Done
Exams 2024 - Done
What a rush! Three very intense days in La Bresse! 15 Exam candidates, 9 assessors, 20 Live Clients, from 8 different countries, 73 single Exams completed, 50 are passed... yes... indeed, it is not a bike ride in the park!
It takes effort, commitment, stamina and total dedication to complete the Exams; Low Speed, Higher Speed, Navigation, Emergency, Trailside repair, Skills instruction and Guiding. The program and evaluation is run by Instructor - Guides for Instructor - Guides! If the candidate proofs (checks the boxes of the EU MTB Instructor - Guide Standard) that he/she meets the level we (fellow Instructor - Guides) all agreed on, he/she will be given the EO-MTBing certification!
It is to make us better in our profession, to make it safer and an adventure on a high level. It is a job, not a hobby!! Keep 'm rolling! #associationofbritishmountainbi keguides #beatoolrebel #NMIG #europeanbikeguides #swisscyclingguides #mountainbikegidsopleiding #cyclingaustria #ridewithguides #moniteurcyclistefrancais #bikevillagemtb # greatridesstartwithgreatguides #NinaGassler #orvguide #RIMS #malojaclothing #weratools # greatridesstartwithgreatguides

#mountainbikegidsopleiding #ridewithguides #swisseuropeanbikeguidescyclingguides #cyclingaustria #moniteurcyclistefrancais #associationofbritishmountainbikeguides #NMIG #mountainbikenomad #beatoolrebel #bikevillagemtb #Flat Sucks @powder.and.dirt @ridecampsl2a @pique.adventures @blisykkelguide
Posted by Mathijs
EO-MTB ing Exams