Exams 2023
It's a wrap! Everybody got home safe. Out of the 48 Exams, 31 are passed, well done! We congratulate 1 fully EO-MTBing certified Instructor - Guide and 7 Aspirant Instructor - Guides. And ofcourse we finished with the traditional Epic Ride, this time we were invited to ride the #blackholetrail. Talking about Epic! Thanks @mountainbikenomad for the very warm and welcome stay.
#mountainbikegidsopleiding #ridewithguides #swisseuropeanbikeguidescyclingguides #cyclingaustria #moniteurcyclistefrancais #associationofbritishmountainbikeguides #NMIG #mountainbikenomad #beatoolrebel #bikevillagemtb #Flat Sucks @powder.and.dirt @ridecampsl2a @pique.adventures @blisykkelguide
Posted by Mathijs
EO-MTB ing